Cloud-native Application Development and Delivery Platform

Drive team productivity and accelerate innovation.

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Why use a cloud-native application platform? 

With an application platform, you can spend less time dealing with operational tasks and more time building applications. A cloud-native application platform empowers development teams to adopt innovative cloud architectures including APIs, event-driven processing, and AI/ML. It enables:

  • Common pattern foundations for scalable application connectivity.
  • Accelerated delivery with frameworks, runtimes, and managed services.
  • Developer choice in languages and tools.
  • Secure supply chain for building, deploying, and running applications.
  • Developer productivity through a self-service experience that abstracts away the technical details of containers and Kubernetes.
  • Policy-driven control over deployment, operation, and security.

Explore cloud-native capabilities

Take advantage of cloud-native technologies to build and run responsive, scalable applications anywhere. Click the tiles to explore what you can do with a cloud-native application platform.



Microservices and APIs

Microservices are key for developer productivity and flexibility. Discover runtimes, frameworks, and services for building microservice architectures on top of Red Hat OpenShift.  These capabilities and their underlying components make it easier and more efficient for DevOps teams to deliver and maintain software.


API management

Share, secure, and control your APIs with performance and future growth in mind. 

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Enterprise integration with Apache Camel

Agile, distributed, containerized, and API-centric solutions to integrate applications by transforming data and  composing and orchestrating services. 

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APIs with Java

Frameworks and libraries for code-first and contract-first development strategies. 

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Java runtimes and frameworks

Flexibility and choices to build with the right runtime, framework, language, and architectural style on Linux and in containers. 

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Data streaming and event-driven services

To keep up with the deluge of data produced today, you have to be able to design applications and services that respond to real-time information. Having a fast and secure event-driven platform for the cloud provides the strong foundation you need to expand your data reach and react to events in real-time.


Data streams

An Apache Kafka-based distributed backbone that allows microservices and other applications to share data with extremely high throughput and low latency. 

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Message broker

High-performance messaging for building a multi-protocol, embeddable, asynchronous messaging system, designed for highly scalable microservices. 

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Application interfaces

Messaging APIs with both industry-standard APIs and new event-driven APIs that make it easy to integrate messaging anywhere. 

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Change data capture

Enable database changes to be monitored and propagated to downstream systems, captured as events, and published to Apache Kafka topics. 

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Event driven with Camel K

Apache Camel for Kubernetes streamlines connecting applications and services to data streams and event brokers. 

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Serverless applications

A serverless platform helps you get code into production faster. Focus on building and running applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure and optimize application resource consumption only when it's needed. 


Serverless architectures

With a serverless cloud cloud computing model,  application developers don't have to provision servers or manage scaling for their application. 

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Serverless integration

Understand serverless options for your integration applications with collectors, connectors, and tasks.

Serverless on Kubernetes

Abstract the complex details of the underlying infrastructure from developers by using a container platform. 

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Application runtimes and frameworks

Application runtimes and frameworks give you the flexibility to build your application with the right runtime, framework, language, and architectural style, on Linux and in containers.



Develop and deploy Java on Kubernetes with minimal memory footprint, fast boot times, and rapid scaling. 

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Java runtimes and frameworks

Red Hat Java runtimes and frameworks enable developers to build applications using modern application architectures. 

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The Red Hat build of OpenJDK is a free and open source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). 

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Spring Boot

Spring Boot gives you the runtimes you need to make Spring-based applications. 

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Run JavaScript outside of a browser and build modern applications at scale. 

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Developer tools

Be more productive with a set of tools for Kubernetes and Java to streamline your workflow and optimize your cloud development pipeline.


Developer workspaces

A collaborative Kubernetes-native development solution that delivers OpenShift workspaces and in-browser integrated development environment (IDE) for rapid cloud application development. 

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IDE integration

A collection of Java and Kubernetes tooling extensions to adopt approaches to programming and new processes for deployment, increasing the developer's productivity. 

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Local development

Emulate the cloud development environment locally with all of the tools needed to develop container-based applications. 

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Kubernetes and containers

Kubernetes is the foundation of cloud software architectures built on containers, like microservices and serverless. Red Hat OpenShift brings the power of Kubernetes and complementary tooling and services to organizations around the globe. Learn how containers and Kubernetes have changed the development process and development tools.



New processes for continuous integration and continuous deployment to help you merge code and automate deployment, operations, and scaling across containers in any environment. 

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Containerizing applications

Tools to help developers build, run, find, and share containerized applications more quickly and efficiently, thanks to the distributed and daemonless nature of the tools. 

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Edge computing

Computing that takes place near the physical location of either the user or the source of the data. 

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DevOps and deployment tools

Selecting tools that support your processes is critical for a successful DevOps practice. If your operations are going to keep pace with rapid development cycles, they’ll need to use highly flexible platforms and treat their infrastructure like dev teams treat code.



Enable developers to use a single Kubernetes API to assemble source code, dependencies, and runtimes into a container image without being exposed to the underlying tooling details needed to build images. 

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CI/CD pipelines

Allows teams to build, test, and deploy their applications using cloud-native pipelines and take control of their application lifecycle. 

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Developer tools

Enhance developer productivity with a set of tools for Kubernetes and Java to remove obstacles to your workflow and optimize your development pipeline in the world of cloud development. 

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Container build

Use a single Kubernetes API to assemble source code, dependencies, and runtime into a container image without being exposed to the underlying tooling details needed to build images. 

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Use Git pull requests to manage infrastructure and application configurations to gain agility in responding to changes in the business and competitive landscape. 

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Managed services

Managed services provide ongoing operations and support for container deployments. They help simplify your Kubernetes deployments and reduce operational overhead so you can focus on what matters most: your applications.


API management

A unified, streamlined developer experience for building, deploying, and scaling cloud-native, integrated applications, hosted and fully managed by Red Hat. 

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Data science

A powerful AI/ML platform for data scientists and developers to quickly develop, train, and test machine learning models. 

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Managed OpenShift

A fully managed container platform in a public cloud that takes care of cluster and resource management, freeing developers to focus on developing new services. 

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DevOps teams need to evolve their security strategies as they adopt cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes and microservices. Take steps to protect your applications and respond quickly to unexpected events. Explore best practices to secure your networks, endpoints, APIs, and more.


Service mesh

Provide traffic monitoring, access control, discovery, security, and resiliency to services. 

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Secure coding

A set of technologies and best practices for making software as secure and stable as possible. 

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Explore how security teams build information security into their plans and set a direction for security automation. 

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Software security

Improve your application's security and close vulnerabilities with improved tooling and processes. 

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Kubernetes security

Protect containers and Kubernetes at every phase, from development to runtime monitoring and detection. 

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Leverage Kubernetes to scale applications and services and optimize operation.



Operators serve as a packaging mechanism for distributing applications on Kubernetes, and they monitor, maintain, recover, and upgrade the software they deploy. 

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Container management

Podman is a daemonless, open source, Linux-native tool designed to make it easy to find, run, build, share and deploy applications using container images. 

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Cluster management

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes provides end-to-end management visibility and control to manage your clusters and application life cycle. 

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Observability absorbs and extends classic monitoring systems and helps teams identify the root cause of issues. More broadly, it allows stakeholders to answer questions about their application and business, including forecasting and predictions about what could go wrong.


Application monitoring

A cluster administrator can configure the monitoring stack with the supported configurations. OpenShift Container Platform delivers monitoring best practices out of the box. 

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Deploy logging capabilities to aggregate all the logs from your container platform. You can also visualize log data using the Kibana web console. 

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A collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs to help you analyze your software’s performance and behavior. Use it to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces). 

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Red Hat named a Challenger in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™

Red Hat was positioned in the Challenger Quadrant of the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for DevOps Platforms


Better together

Learn more about Red Hat’s open source products and explore curated content.

Streamlined developer experience

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is designed to meet the needs of the hybrid cloud environment. It can be deployed on physical infrastructure, as a guest operating system on supported hypervisors, in public cloud environments, and in containers using the RHEL Universal Base Image (UBI).

Real-time streaming data broker

Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift is a platform-agnostic Kubernetes distribution focused on developer experience and application security. Red Hat OpenShift helps you develop and deploy applications to one or more hosts. These can be public-facing web applications or back-end applications, including microservices or databases.


Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform allows developers to set up automation to provision, deploy, and manage compute infrastructure across cloud, virtual, and physical environments. Common use cases for Ansible Automation Platform include end-to-end workflow orchestration, application deployment, continuous delivery, configuration management, infrastructure provisioning, and security threat response.

Schema registry

Red Hat OpenShift API Management

Red Hat OpenShift API Management is a fully-managed cloud service providing a unified, and streamlined developer experience for building, deploying, and scaling cloud-native, integrated applications.

Change data capture

Red Hat Integration

Red Hat Integration is a comprehensive set of integration and messaging technologies to connect applications and data across hybrid infrastructures through an agile, distributed, containerized,  and API-centric solution.

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